We are making some big ch-ch-ch-changes over the next year, including building a new website, so some info may not be updated during our changeover. If you have inquiries that have not been answered or are seeking info that is out of date here, please email us at alt.current at gmail dot com. If you are waiting on submissions that have not yet been answered, we are terribly behind and short-staffed, but we *are* still reading through and answering everything.
Breathing While Black: Black Writers Respond to Police Violence
Breathing While Black: Black Writers Respond to Police Violence: Black lives fucking matter. Period. This is an anthology of visceral reactions, stream-of-consciousness, raw, emotional, powerful poetry, fiction, hybrid, and nonfiction by Black writers in response to police violence, racism, white privilege, and social and racial inequality. It's the personal, the deep, the painful, the hopeful, the bleak, the joy, the community, the anger, the raw. A percentage of the proceeds from the book will go to the National Police Accountability Project.
UPDATE JAN 1: This anthology has closed for submissions. We are currently reading all of the submissions and will respond to all pieces by JAN 31. As acceptances are made, they will appear below.
Accepted Pieces:
When Asked How I Feel Now That I'm on Lexapro by C. Prudence Arceneaux
Dust Void by C. Prudence Arceneaux
Progeny by Chris L. Butler
almost uncle by Morgan Christie
FTP by Victoria Collins
George Floyd by Alexandra Jackson
The Other Me by M
Jacket Full of Fur by Darryl White
Wait for Rain by Allison Whittenberg
a pyre where we held all the names by Rodney Wilder
Wherein Barret Wallace Holds His Hand to Everything Fallen & Cannot Séance One More ‘AVALANCHE’ into the Silence by Rodney Wilder
For accepted authors: We will accept approximately 20-50 pieces for this anthology, depending on length. There is a $200 payment budget for the entire anthology, and all authors published in the collection receive an even division of that amount, after publication, in an opt-in system (which you will choose at payment time), along with a digital copy of the completed anthology in all formats, and an author-discount price for print versions (without obligation). We regret that we are financially unable to give out complimentary print editions.