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The Tertiary Lodgers: An Anthology of Fiction from the First-Person Viewpoints of Secondary and Tertiary Classic and Contemporary-Classic Literary Characters

The Tertiary Lodgers. It’s time to shake up the shelf of those old books you read in high school for this anthology of fiction from the first-person points-of-view of secondary, tertiary, or other random bit-part characters from classic and contemporary-classic public-domain literary works. Here are the stories told through the eyes of the butlers, maids, cousins, other-women, sisters, neighbors, waiters, pets, squires, and lawnboys, no matter how absurd, far-fetched, funny, realistic, sad, traumatic, simple, or complicated. Here is the grand. Here is the lore and legend, heartbreak and laughter. This anthology will make you think, make you change how you feel about each story and its characters forever.

DEC 3 UPDATE: Submissions are now closed for this anthology. All authors have been notified of acceptance; please check your Submittable messages. We have accepted 32 pieces for this collection. There is a $200 payment budget for the anthology, and all authors published in the collection receive an even division of that amount, after publication, in an opt-in system (which you will choose at payment time), along with a digital copy of the completed anthology in all formats, and an author-discount price for print versions (without obligation). We are unable to give out complimentary print editions.

Accepted Pieces:
Stretcher by George Aitch
And Still in Sorrow There by Leah Angstman
Foolish Promises by Melinda Brasher
Toto Hates Oz by Max Carrey
And To't They Go Like Lightning by Suh Young Choi
Mrs. Medlock Remembers by Aidan Derrico
Nippers Speaks Up by Jacqueline Doyle
To Milford Haven by Travis Flatt
That Which Is Invisible by Virginia Elizabeth Hayes
Cassandra by Olivia Hofer
A Mouse's Tale by Theric Jepson
The Other Paper by Anna Kaye-Rogers
Henry by Katerini Koraki
The Executioner by Frank Kozusko
My Dearest Captain Hussey by L. N. Lewis
One Summer Day by L. N. Lewis
My Mistress by Malia Márquez
Woolgathering Wanderers by Madeline McEwen
The Bug Obsession by Katy Mitchell-Jones
The Rest Is Silence by Ali Nowac
A Christmas Elegy by M. J. Ridley
A Country Coquette by Heather Talty
The Long Contemplation of the Tumtum by Sara Marie Taylor
Robespierre and I by Matias Travieso-Diaz
She Fell Distract by Paramita Vadhahong
Foreign Land, Native Water by Nicole van Zyl
Mrs. Cratchit's Christmas Ruse by Robert Wallace
Hector of Troy Communes with Scott Norwood in the Afterlife by John Waterfall
Lady of the Lake by Silver Webb
The Black Plume by Derek Ivan Webster